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TVR Newsletter | Friday 8/7/2020

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hear ye, hear ye

we’re spreading the good news from the world of video

1. The Video Reformation Podcast, Ep. 33: Live Action Unscripted Video
2. How Video Consumption is Changing in 2020
3. The 2021 Content Marketing Checklist
4. Why Marketers Should Integrate Video Marketing Into Their Content Strategy

Fun Fact: The Storyboard Media Newsletter is now The Video Reformation Newsletter.

Now Hiring: Project Manager

Storyboard Media is looking for a highly-motivated, detail-oriented, super-organized person to manage the day-to-day execution of our client engagements and internal projects (podcasts, newsletters, etc.). This role is part Project Manager, part Production Manager, and part Cat Wrangler.

See the full job description and learn how to apply by clicking the link below. And, yes, this is your first test.

If you have a video-related job to fill, let us know and we will be happy to include it in our next newsletter!

Apply Now


TVR Podcast, Ep. 33
Types of Videos, Part 3: Live Action Unscripted

Live action unscripted video covers a wide range of video content, including customer testimonials, event recaps, live presentations, and Karens who refuse to wear facemasks at Trader Joe’s.

This week, Ben and Justin discuss the advantages of live action unscripted video, share tips for how to make it, and offer examples of when to deploy it in your marketing funnel.

Watch now by clicking the play button above, or listen now by clicking the ‘listen now’ button below.

Listen Now


How Video Consumption is Changing in 2020 [Hubspot]

According to Hubspot, half of Gen Z and Millennials claim they “don’t know how they’d get through life without video.” Boomers, meanwhile, “don’t know how they’d get through life without asking the waiter what’s the most popular thing on the menu.”

Nevertheless, Hubspot highlights 6 ways video consumption habits are changing between generations and how marketers can respond strategically.


The 2021 Content Marketing Checklist [The Content Strategist]

2020 has changed the content game. Since in-person events make up over 20% of B2B marketing budgets on average, smart marketing leaders are planning to shift that budget to content in 2021. Meanwhile, dumb marketing leaders are shifting that budget into promotional all-you-can-eat lunch buffets.

So starting today, smart marketing leaders should have this checklist from The Content Strategist in their heads.


Why Marketers Should Integrate Video Marketing Into Their Content Strategy [Forbes]

Content marketing is more than a marketing strategy that uses content to attract an audience. Content marketing is also a full-on skill set –– like practicing medicine, or juggling.

CMI makes the case expanding the definition of content marketing, and it might just change the way you think about your content marketing game.

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