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TVR Newsletter | 7/23/2021


hear ye, hear ye

we’re spreading the good news from the world of video

1. The Video Reformation Podcast, Ep. 57: The Digital Video Tools We Use
2. 3 Ways a Video Strategy Saves You Money
3. The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Selling
4. Using Professionally Shot Video to Better Present
5. Social Media Metrics — What They Are and What They Actually Mean


Fun Fact: In 1913, a family mailed their 10-pound infant to his grandmother for a visit. They paid 15 cents in postage plus an additional $50 for insurance.


TVR Podcast, Ep. 57
The Digital Tools We Use to Make Video

If you give a man a fish he eats for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he’ll eat for a lifetime. If you give a man the power to communicate with fish, he’ll forge friendships as deep as the Mariana Trench.

This speaks to the power of tools. And those in video production know how important digital tools are to strategizing, producing, and distributing video.

Check out the digital tools we use here at Storyboard Media by listening to our most recent episode of the Video Reformation podcast. Watch now by clicking the play button above, or listen now by clicking the ‘listen now’ button below.

Listen Now


3 Ways a Video Strategy Can Save You Money

They say you have to spend money to make money. But there are times where you’d like a little more guidance because you’ve spent your entire marketing budget on celebrity Cameos and it feels like the only one raking in cash is David Hyde Pierce.

Instead of wasting money willy-nilly, you should take a deep breath, go back to square one, and develop a video strategy. To see exactly how a video strategy can save you money, take the time to read our most recent blog post.


The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Selling in 2021 [Vidyard]

Even as people begin migrating back to the office, the rise of virtual meetings has forever changed the sales landscape. In fact, many B2B buyers now prefer remote interactions over in-person meetings.

That’s because a meeting that takes place in cyberspace is easier to schedule and involves no traveling costs. Really, the only downside is the awkward few seconds between saying “Have a great afternoon!” and desperately searching your screen for the disconnect button.

Make sure your company is prepared for this new sales environment by reading Vidyard’s guide to virtual selling.


Using Professionally Shot Video to Better Present [Business 2 Community]

There is nowhere in the universe more lonely than the speaker’s podium during a boring presentation. Not only do you see your audience’s gaze turned down to the active doodles on their notepad, but you can even feel your soul vacate your physical form as you say, for the dozenth time, “On this next slide, you’ll see…”

Instead of sticking with the same PowerPoint formula for your presentations, why not try something exciting? Professionally shot video will capture your audience’s attention and hold it. For more on why video works and how to deploy it successfully in your presentations, head over to Business 2 Community.


Social Media Metrics – What They Are and What They Actually Mean [Skeleton Productions]

You can’t judge a video’s success without having a metric by which to measure it. Unfortunately, many video and social media platforms offer different metrics or call similar ones by dissimilar names.

If this dizzying swirl of metrics is making your head spin, please go see a chiropractor. Afterward, though, take a long glance at Skeleton Production’s guide to video metrics to see if you’re using the right measurement to determine success.

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