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TVR Newsletter | 5/15/2020


Happy Friday

Here are a few things to distract you from our strange, cruel world
1. The Video Reformation Podcast, Ep 27: Conduct Better Interviews
2. Flowchart: Should I Talk About Coronavirus in My Content?
3. Video Teaching: How to Use Video in Your Virtual Classroom
4. LinkedIn Testing a New Conversational Format: Stories
5. Video Marketing Design Mistakes That Could Be Holding You Back


Fun Fact: The human brain contains over 100 trillion synapses. 


Watch TVR Episode 27 on YouTube

TVR Podcast, Episode 27
How to Conduct Better Interviews

Videos such as testimonials and founder’s stories can sink or swim based on the quality of your interview.

On this week’s episode, Ben and Justin explore ways to conduct better interviews on video, including how to build trust with your subject, the types of questions you want to ask them, and production tips to help you capture better interview footage –– like swabbing the lens with Vaseline to give your piece that gauzy ‘Barbara Walters Special’ vibe.

Listen or watch The Video Reformation on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Get It Now


Flowchart: Should I Talk About Coronavirus in my Content [Contently]

You may have noticed that, because of Covid19, BMW is generously offering special financing on $70,000 cars. AT&T is selflessly suspending arbitrary data caps for its customers. And Miller Lite? They’re donating one million dollars of their $10.6 billion annual revenue to unemployed bartenders. Somehow.

But directly tying the Coronavirus to your brand and attempting to capitalize on it isn’t for everyone. This flowchart from Contently makes the decision a bit easier.


Video Teaching: How to Use Video in Your Virtual Classroom [Vidyard]

The role that video will play in healthcare going forward is getting a lot of attention these days. But the other industry that could see rapid and revolutionary change with video are virtual learning environments –– from elementary schools to top-tier universities.

I guess when Mr. McCabe made us watch his “personal copy” of Amadeus three times in 8th-grade history, he was just ahead of the curve. Either way, Vidyard put together an extensive guide for incorporating video into the virtual classroom setting.


 LinkedIn Testing a New Conversational Format: Stories [LinkedIn]

Snapchat and Instagram have introduced “Stories” into the social media lexicon, but the feature has primarily been used to showcase how bad toddlers are at eating food, or how good cats are at sleeping.

Now, LinkedIn, the top dog of the B2B social media world, is testing a “Stories” feature with a potential rollout in the next few months â€“– a move that could drastically change the platform’s landscape.


Video Marketing Design Mistakes That Could Be Holding You Back [B2C]

It’s not just about the content itself; great video design is critically important to the success of your video marketing because it attracts potential viewers and keeps your audience coming back for more.

Like an inability to let go of the haunting memory of a past lover, these video design mistakes could be holding you back.

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