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TVR Newsletter | 11/12/2021


hear ye, hear ye

we’re spreading the good news from the world of video

1. The Roles and Responsibilities of a Video Production Team
2. How to Use Embedded Video to Boost Email Sends
3. Video Tools: Squarespace Video Studio App
4. Video Innovation: ARwall


Fun Fact: Major League Baseball umpires are required to wear black underwear during games due to the significant risk of splitting their pants. 


The Roles and Responsibilities of a Video Production Team 

Building a video production team is all about finding the right people for the right roles. Not knowing what the roles are or what they’re responsible for, though, is a recipe for a disaster — like setting out to make a mouth-watering meal and ending up with a bunch of marinated bicycle parts piled on your grill.

To make sure that you’re cooking up success, read our latest entry on The Video Reformation Blog. We go over the key roles and responsibilities that need to be filled so that your production is smooth, professional, and ultimately delicious.


How to Use Embedded Video to Boost Email Sends [Vidyard]

Is the phrase “embedded video” in this headline misleading, given that what they’re actually referring to is an animated thumbnail that is linked to a page into which a “video” is “embedded?” Sure! But who cares.

Vidyard shows you why it’s STILL valuable with an “embedded video” of their own that provides tips, tricks, and tidbits on how to breathe life back into email sends.


A New Video Tool: The Squarespace Video Studio App [Squarespace]

The Squarespace Video Studio app offers marketing templates, a variety of customization options, and even “smart” voiceovers for those who fear the sultry tones they hear in their head aren’t accurately captured by most recording devices. It’s an ideal tool for people at all video production skill levels, and those without marketing team depth may benefit the most.

Most importantly, the app is free with a Squarespace website subscription or as a trial. Unfortunately for Android users — which feels like a trademarked Apple slogan at this point — the app is only available on iOS devices. 


Video Innovation: ARwall Interactive [ARwall]

ARwall is an up-and-coming player in the XR world. For those of us that think video innovation is using the spacebar to pause a YouTube clip, XR is the use of both physical and virtual environments to create stunning video effects and interactive visual exhibits.

There are many applications to this technology from TV shows and films to immersive video kiosks at live events to corporate video communication. If you want to see where video productions’ next frontier sits and how it may apply to your marketing future, check out what ARwall is working on.

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