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The Benefits of Educational Video Content


Educational video content is a long-term investment in customer loyalty because, ultimately, it’s about your customer’s long-term success. As they become more informed, they are more likely to realize the need for your business. 

My dad and I have vastly different methods of buying things. Most of his career, regardless of his specific title, was spent selling things. His tried-and-true method of selling was to be the expert on his product. He knew the ins and outs, the ups and downs, and the nears and fars of everything he sold. 

Because of this, he values the in-depth conversation with a knowledgeable expert who can answer all of his questions. He hates looking at online reviews because the internet can diminish expertise. 

While I am very much my father’s son, I was also raised by search engines. I’d rather Google a question about a product than ask a salesperson. And if I do have to ask someone about a product, I’ll reserve my question for Jeeves himself.  

I don’t want to read through a poorly translated instruction manual. What I want is to watch and rewatch a YouTube product walkthrough like I’m examining the Zapruder film. (Consequently, my personal magic bullet theory is that it’s the ultimate party machine.) 

This deep fear of personal interaction, though, is not merely a problem for my therapist to CBT away; it also helps show the evolving nature of the B2B sales environment. Buyers are now more likely to learn about a company from its produced educational content than they are from its marketing ads. That makes the need for educational video content increasingly essential. 

What is Educational Video Content? 

Separating truly educational content from its typical marketing counterpoint can be tricky because the main difference has to do with intent. Think of it this way: a teacher uses a history book to pass knowledge on to others. A marketer uses a history book to help sell other history books. 

That is, educational video content is an investment in helping your audience, your community, and your customers become more knowledgeable. While you’d prefer that this additional knowledge converts them into a lead, you know that a rising tide lifts all boats. As more clients become more informed about the problem your product or service solves, they become increasingly likely to buy your product or subscribe to your service.



Two examples of video content that educates and informs are the videos Storyboard Media produced for Redpoint Global. These videos dive deep to give potential customers an explanation as to how the software works. They distill complicated information into an easy-to-understand format.  

An example of non-video educational content is, well, this blog. Not to get too meta on you, but this content is designed to educate potential customers about the importance of educational content. Will it lead directly to sales? Maybe not, but it gives customers essential information to help them become more successful. As more potential customers gain these insights, there is more opportunity for Storyboard Media to turn them into customers. 

What Are the Benefits of Educational Video Content? 

So, educational video content is about distributing necessary knowledge that gives your customers the tools to lift themselves up and make better decisions. 

However, the purpose for producing and distributing informative content isn’t entirely selfless. The end goal isn’t just the warm feeling inside from helping craft a more informed world. Educational content benefits the companies that create it in a variety of ways: 

  • It establishes your company’s expertise and builds credibility. 
  • It develops a higher level of confidence in your products and services. 
  • It drives traffic to your website or social media and makes it more likely that your content will be linked elsewhere. 
  • It allows customers to feel informed and empowered. 

That last point may be the most important. As the saying goes, nobody likes to be sold but everyone likes to buy. When you produce and distribute educational videos and other content, you remove some of the inherent pressure buyers feel when they are being sold something. Instead, your potential clients will better understand the benefits your company offers. 

How Do You Generate and Deploy Educational Video Content? 

If you’re convinced of the importance of informative, educational content, you may still be left wondering how exactly your company can actually use it. Often, the best way to find out what information gaps are out there is by talking to your sales team. 

Before you endeavor to educate, you should seek out your sales team and ask them two key questions: 

  • What do you wish your prospects knew before you talked to them? 
  • What questions do your prospects ask you the most? 

These two questions can help highlight where there are information gaps for your video content team to fill, and the answers will likely differ from those given by your marketing team or those otherwise not directly engaging with leads and prospects. 

The questions your sales team receives could be just a few or they could be many. Each of the questions they most often get asked, though, is an opportunity for educational video content. You can include the content on your website or post them on social media. 

Videos have become essential to B2B selling with educational videos an increasingly relevant component. Many successful sales teams will often send educational videos to prospects before their first meeting. This allows prospects to do some of their own research and get answers to their questions in a creative, brand-appropriate way and lets your sales team use the meeting to focus on what they do best.  

Where Can You Get Better Educated on Educational Video Content? 

All B2B companies can benefit from video content that informs and educates. When deployed both inside and outside the sales funnel, you’ll find that potential and current customers are more informed, more trusting of your business, and more likely to turn to you as a solution to their problems. 

To take your education on educational content to the next level, check out episode 45 of The Video Reformation Podcast, featuring Tyler Lessard from Vidyard.