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Storyboard Media Newsletter | 5/16/2019


Happy Friday

Here are a few things to distract you from our strange, cruel world

1. “The Ballroom C” Strategic Event Video Package
2. How to Get More Return on Your Events… with Video
3. “Convince Your Boss” Campaign | TransPerfect
4. 8 Ways to Use Video to Make the Most out of Event Marketing [Vidyard]
5. What Stops People From Skipping Ads? [Think with Google]


Fun Fact: In Florida, it is illegal to sing in public while wearing a swimsuit.


“The Ballroom C”
Strategic Event Video Package

“The Ballroom C” is our event video package that helps you use video to make a better conference… and use the conference to make better video.

Point right back at Justin to learn more about “The Ballroom C” and its benefits.

Explore the “Ballroom C”


How to Get More Return on Your Events…
Using Video

When it comes to your industry events, you can do so much better than the ‘Event Recap Video.’

With his trademark wit and charm, Ben outlines the various ways you can leverage video to promote your event, make your event more engaging, and take advantage of who’s attending. Check out the full piece here.


“Convince Your Boss” Campaign | TransPerfect

Looking for a specific example of a creative way to use video to promote your conference?

We created these “Convince Your Boss” videos for TransPerfect to highlight the value of their GlobalLink NEXT conference while giving potential attendees the tools they needed to get there.

Join the Video Reformation


8 Ways to Use Video to Make the Most Out of Corporate Event Marketing [Vidyard]

When it comes to creating a video strategy for your industry events, “it’s all about using video to attract, maintain attention, and make your event marketing live on long after the actual event,” or so say our friends over at Vidyard.

If you’re still thirsty for more event video insights, check out these 8 tips for using video to make the most out of event marketing.


What Stops People From Skipping Ads?
[Think with Google]

The YouTube “skip” button is a powerful tool for measuring advertising engagement. If it goes unpressed, you know you’ve truly captured people’s attention. But how do you ensure that happens?

Think with Google surveyed some creatives and advertisers to learn more about what stops viewers from skipping them ads. See what they had to say – and maybe you’ll be able to make your next ad a little less skippable. 

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