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Storyboard Media Newsletter | 4/19/2019


Happy Friday

Here are a few things to distract you from our strange, cruel world

1. The Springboard: A Video Roadmap for Business
2. A Foundation of Strategy: Understanding the 7 Phases of Video
3. Case Study: TransPerfect GlobalLink Next
4. How to Develop a Video Marketing Strategy [Vidyard]
5. How Custom Do Video Ads Need to Be? [Think by Google]

Fun Fact: Americans consume an average of 16 million jelly beans every Easter.


“The Springboard”
A Video Roadmap for Your Business

This month, we’re rolling out our series of strategic video initiatives, starting with The Springboard: our proprietary strategy engagement that results in a video roadmap customized for your business.

We could go on about it, but we’ll let Justin do the talking.

Explore “The Springboard”


A Foundation of Strategy:
Understanding the 7 Phases of Practicing Video

If you were to ask 100 people to describe in one word what goes into making video, most would probably respond with something related to production: “shooting” or “filming” – maybe a couple of wise guys would throw out “lighting” or “blocking” just to show off. But the truth is, there’s much more to video than pressing that record button.

Check out the 7 phases to practicing video (no, it’s not a pyramid scheme) to see how you can get more out of your investment (okay, we get that it sounds like a pyramid scheme, too, but it’s totally not).


Case Study: TransPerfect GlobalLink NEXT

TransPerfect was looking for a way to promote their service, their brand, and their annual GlobalLink NEXT conference using video.

We launched a Springboard to understand the greatest needs for both GlobalLink NEXT as well as their suite of technology solutions and recommend video content to address those needs.

Read the case study to watch the videos we made – and understand why we made them.

Join the Video Reformation


How to Develop a Video Marketing Strategy [Vidyard]

Our friends over at Vidyard outlined a few tips for creating a video marketing strategy on your own, and – for the most part – we approve!

From defining your goals and your audience to knowing where your video content will live and how you’ll measure success, this piece has some sound advice for developing your video strategy.


How Custom Do Video Ads Need To Be?
[Think by Google]

In a world of abundant audience signals, how much customization is necessary for video ad creative to be effective?

Google’s Unskippable Labs collects some fascinating data by running experiments on consumer behavior when it comes to video. And the results might surprise you.

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