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Storyboard Media Newsletter | 10/4/2019


Happy Friday

Here are a few things to distract you from our strange, cruel world

1. The Video Reformation, Ep 11: “The Post-Production Phase”
2. Vidyard Shakes Up Pricing Model with New “Reverse Freemium”
3. YouTube Introduces Video Reach Campaigns for Brand Marketers
4. Lessons Learned from the Most Effective YouTube Campaigns

Fun Fact: Squirrels get 15% smarter during the fall.




The Video Reformation Podcast, Episode 11
“The Post-Production Phase”

The post-production phase includes anything from when you call “wrap” on set to the final delivery of your video assets. Including hoarding what’s left of craft services in the back seat of your car. Loose ketchup packets, anyone?

Ben and Justin walk through a typical post-production process and peel back the curtain on post-production from a video agency standpoint.

Listen to the full episode here and be sure to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!

Listen Now




Vidyard Shakes Up Pricing Model with New “Reverse Freemium” [BetaKit]

Vidyard is shaking up the typical SaaS pricing model by launching a free option of its video-sharing platform. The new model is an attempt to make video content creation, hosting, and management more accessible to businesses.

It’s an exciting development that almost certainly warrants a better descriptor than “reverse freemium,” but alas, here we are.




YouTube Introduces Video Reach Campaigns for Brand Marketers [Search Engine Journal]

YouTube has announced yet another way for marketers to deliver video ads: Video Reach Campaigns.

With Video Reach, advertisers can simply upload multiple video ads into a single campaign. Then, Google’s machine learning will serve the most efficient combination of YouTube ad formats to help brands reach their target audiences at scale.

It’s basically the Ronco “Set It and Forget It” version of video promotion, only without a one-way ticket to meat-lover’s heaven.




Lessons Learned from the Most Effective YouTube Campaigns of the Year [Think with Google]

Speaking of the YouTubes… what does it take to create a great video campaign on the world’s second-largest search engine?

In this piece on Think with Google, Kim Pedersen of the Kantar Group shares some of the insights her team gathered after evaluating dozens of campaigns for the YouTube Works Awards.

Kim breaks down the winning formula as Sparks + Signals + Stories = Success. And if there’s anything we like more than formulas, it’s alliteration.





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