(919) 960-1222 hi@storyboardmedia.co

WHAT WE DO IN THE OFFICE | 2021 Holiday Video


Client: Storyboard Media

HQ: Durham, NC

URL: https://storyboardmedia.co

Company Type: B2B Video Marketing Agency

Project Focus: Branding

Case Summary: May your days be merry, bright and a little batty.

Here at Storyboard Media, we love celebrating the holidays with video. And in 2021, we used vampires, not mistletoe and holly, to get in the holiday spirit. Instead of snuggling up to the fire with our ugly holiday sweaters and a warm mug of hot chocolate, we hissed at crosses while donning all black apparel and drinking red juice from prop blood bags. We weren’t scared of the ghost of Christmas yet to come – we were scared of the sun.

Grab a festive necklace of garlic and watch our 2021 holiday video to see how our office has changed.

Watch all our Holiday Shorts Here: