(919) 960-1222 hi@storyboardmedia.co

Josh’s Hope Foundation | Why Josh’s Hope


Client: Josh’s Hope Foundation

HQ: Hillsborough, NC

URL: https://www.joshshopefoundation.org/

Company Type: Non-Profit

Project Focus: Fundraising

Case Summary:

Our old friend and serial client, Jordan Shamp (Noteables, Totes My Goat, Contract Hound), serves on the board of Josh’s Hope Foundation, a non-profit based just down the road in Hillsborough.

Josh’s Hope Foundation provides a unique experience of personal support and on-the-job training to help those with mental health challenges work to improve their health, live a self-directed life, and achieve their full potential.

We were tasked with capturing the story behind Josh’s Hope and showcasing the amazing people they work with — and for.