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TVR Newsletter | 9/17/2021



hear ye, hear ye

we’re spreading the good news from the world of video

1. The Video Reformation Podcast, Ep. 60: Video Through the Marketing Funnel
2. Why It’s Okay to Use Humor in B2B Video
3. 7 Ideas to Get Your Creativity Unstuck
4. How to Create a Corporate Video Brief
5. Setting Goals for Video Marketing


Fun Fact: The inventor and original patent holder of the artificial heart was also a ventriloquist who hosted an NBC variety show in the early 1950s.


TVR Podcast, Ep. 60
Video Through the Marketing Funnel

To practice video effectively, you need a strategy. Part of that strategy, though, should be to deploy video tactically within your marketing funnel. That is, a video that helps build awareness of your brand may not work when it comes time to demo your product.

In this week’s episode of The Video Reformation Podcast, Ben and Justin go funnel-diving as they discuss how the content, budget, and scope of your video should change as your customers move through your marketing funnel.

Watch now by clicking the image above, or listen now by clicking the button below.

Listen Now


Why It’s Okay to Use Humor in B2B Video

Humor’s all the rage these days. It’s in movies and TV shows. It’s in books and magazines. Heck, you can even find it on official U.S. postage — I mean, it’s called a forever stamp but I can only use it once? That’s tomfoolery I’ll gladly spend $0.58 on.

If you’re not convinced that it’s time for your marketing strategy to join the modern-day craze that we call humor, then it’s time to read our most recent blog post on the benefits of being funny in your B2B video.


7 Ways to Get Your Creativity Unstuck [CMI]

Sometimes marketing is poetry, and sometimes it’s prose. Other times, though, it’s banging your head against a wall until you finally knock something loose in your brain that allows a rush of unfiltered creativity.

Instead of giving yourself what medical experts would call “a concussion,” check out these ideas from CMI for banishing your writer’s block and getting your creativity unstuck.


How to Create a Corporate Video Brief (MarketingProfs)

You need your video vendor to craft a video that fits your needs. Your video vendor wants to craft a video that you want to use. What happens, though, when you don’t know what you want and need to figure it out?

Try a video brief! MarketingProfs created an easy-to-use template with nine questions whose answers will provide a clearer picture of what you want for yourself and from your video vendor.


Setting Goals for Video Marketing [SproutVideo]

Without established goals, your marketing team’s work will get drawn and quartered as everyone stampedes away at random. Setting SMART goals can prevent this torturous chaos by getting each individual on the team to pull in the same direction

For those struggling with effective goal making, SproutVideo will walk you through how to use the SMART goal framework throughout the customer’s journey and help your marketing team ride side-by-side off into the sunset. (The “sunset” in this metaphor is a conference room.)

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