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TVR Newsletter | 4/2/2021


hear ye, hear ye

we’re spreading the good news from the world of video

1. The Video Reformation Podcast, Ep. 49: How to Build Your Video Roadmap Pt. 1
2. Storyboard Media Blog: 3 Ways to Scale B2B Video Content 
3. Why People Click Out of YouTube Videos
4. YouTube to Automatically Detect Products Featured in Videos
5. The Symbiosis Between Video and Web Design in 2021


Fun Fact: Baseball fans eat 25,500,000 hot dogs each year


TVR Podcast, Ep. 49
How to Build Your Video Roadmap Pt. 1

In part one of this two-part podcast, Ben and Justin lay the groundwork for building your video roadmap. They break down the questions you need to ask in order to accurately diagnose your business needs ahead of prescribing strategic concepts. 

Watch now by clicking the play button above, or listen now by clicking the ‘listen now’ button below.

Listen Now


TVR Blog: Reclaiming the Art of Storytelling

Sometimes, more is more. At least when it comes to B2B video marketing content. Finding smart ways to effectively scale your video production can save valuable resources and make you look cool in front of your friends. Thankfully, we’ve compiled 3 ways to scale up your video content in our latest blog post.


Why People Click Out of YouTube Videos [HubSpot]

When it comes to YouTube, keeping your viewers’ attention is the name of the game. As a creator, it can be incredibly frustrating to see a high percentage of viewers drop off before they get to the good stuff. I mean, if you think I’m going to Truffle Shuffle before the 90-second mark, you’re nuts.

Thankfully, HubSpot published some recent polling on why users click out of YouTube videos before they end to avoid common pitfalls and help you plan your video content accordingly.



YouTube to Automatically Detect Products Featured in Videos  [VideoWeek]

The line between social media and traditional marketing gets thinner by the day. Now, YouTube will automatically detect products featured in videos and display them to viewers for purchase. That means that with the click of a mouse, you too can enjoy the same Lion’s Mane mushroom coffee that your favorite conspiracy theorist drinks! Hey, we’re all just “asking questions,” right?


The Symbiosis Between Video and Web Design in 2021 [Wave.Video]

Video and web design go together like cake and ice cream, coffee and donuts, french fries in a Frosty. Seriously, it works. Whether you’re using video to sell a product, tell a story, or connect with an audience, your webpage and its design add important and enriching context for that content.

Wave.video offers insights into how to dip those fries in that shake like a pro. No really, it’s good.

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