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Storyboard Media Newsletter | 9/6/2019

Happy Friday

Here are a few things to distract you from our strange, cruel world

1. The Video Reformation, Ep 9: The Pre-Production Phase
2. How to Write a Basic Video Script
3. 10 B2B Marketing Conferences You Can’t Miss in the Next 12 Months
4. Why Search Marketers Should Become Video Marketers
5. Video Now Accounts for a Third of TUI’s Paid Social Budget

Fun Fact: Columbus wrote the first known report of a hurricane in 1495.




The Video Reformation Podcast, Episode 9
The Pre-Production Phase

The pre-production phase is where you have the opportunity to make your video production as efficient as possible. This is where you transform your strategy and creative into a treatment and a script; assemble your cast and crew; allocate your budget; and, most importantly, decide who is taking care of craft services. God help you if you forget the coffee.

On this week’s podcast, Ben and Justin dish out some advice for how to make the most out of the critical pre-production phase.

Listen Now




How to Write a Basic Video Script

The success of your video begins with your strategy, and once that’s in place, you need a script. Your script takes an abstract idea – one comprised of your strategic and creative thinking – and begins to shape it into something that can actually be produced as a video.

We’ve created this handy guide to writing a basic video script – and included a free AV script template download – to help you video better.




10 B2B Marketing Conferences
You Can’t Miss in the Next 12 Months [LinkedIn]

Craving some content marketing in Cleveland? Seeking a new sales strategy in Scottsdale? Just need an excuse to go to Southern California in November?

LinkedIn has pulled together the 10 marketing conferences B2Bers can’t go wrong with as we head into the 2019 – 2020 swing.




Why Search Marketers Should Become
Video Marketers [Think with Google]

Performance marketers who write off video as nothing more than makeup tutorials and kids slicing open their swimming pools with swords are missing opportunities to reach and convert a highly qualified audience, 3Q Digital’s David Rodnitzky argues in this post on Think with Google.




Video Now Accounts for a Third of TUI’s
Paid Social Budget [Digiday]

Video now accounts for a third of the budget tourism group TUI spends on paid social, specifically on Facebook and Instagram. 

According to this article in Digiday, that’s because the travel brand has found that paid social delivers more immediately reportable returns than other channels, even search. Suck it, search.





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