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TVR Newsletter | 6/12/2020



Happy Friday

Here are a few things to distract you from our strange, cruel world

1. The Video Reformation Podcast, Ep 29: Live Action Scripted Video
2. LinkedIn Introduces New Features and Tools
3. Why Reply Sections on Twitter are Filled with K-Pop Videos
4. How AI is Tackling Marketers’ Top Video Management Challenges
5. Resources to Help You Market More Effectively During Covid-19

Fun Fact: Black, green, white, and oolong tea all come from the same plant. 


TVR Podcast, Episode 29
Types of Videos Pt. 2: Live Action Scripted

In the second installment of our Types of Video series, Ben and Justin discuss live action scripted video

They explore when to use live action scripted content versus animation or doc style videos, and outline who you’ll need to bring on board the project to successfully pull it off. Hint: their names rhyme with ‘Ken’ and ‘Dustin’.

Click below to listen on Apple Podcasts –– or click above to watch on Youtube. Don’t forget to leave us a rating and review!

Listen Now


LinkedIn Introduces New Features and Tools for Advertisers [TechCruch]

LinkedIn has announced some new features for advertisers — including retargeting capabilities tied to video ads –– as well as a renewed focus on virtual engagement, live video events, and member polls.

When polled as to whether LinkedIn should add a polling feature, 82% of respondents answered “Awesome post! !! As a serial entrepreneur, I crave new opportunities to disrupt ripe verticals––”


Reply Sections on Twitter are Filled with K-Pop Videos. Here’s Why. [Mashable]

If you need help understanding:

(a) what K-Pop is
(b) what K-Pop fancam videos are
(c) why K-Pop fancam videos are being used for stanning on social media
(d) what “stanning” means
or, (e) all of the above

…then you should read this.


How AI is Tackling Marketers’ Top Video Management Challenges [CMSWire]

From automatic transcriptions to streamlined clip creation, artificial intelligence is being applied to video marketing to enhance accessibility, discoverability, and monetization. Meanwhile, artificial stupidity isn’t applying itself at all. Slacker.

CMS Wire breaks down a few of the ways that AI is making life easier for video marketers everywhere.


Resources to Help You Market More Effectively During COVID-19 [MarketingLand]

Now that we’ve all spent a few months living in a dystopia that makes The Hunger Games seem like a weekend jaunt to Martha’s Vineyard, various market research companies have been able to collect robust data that reflects what consumers are expecting from brands as economies reopen.

MarketingLand has collected that data and paired it with additional resources to help businesses find their footing in whatever District they happen to operate.

before you go

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