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TVR Newsletter | 4/3/2020


Happy Friday

Here are a few things to distract you from our strange, cruel world
1. The Video Reformation Podcast, Ep 24: Strategy Flexibility
2. How Companies Can Adapt With Video
3. How to Make the Case for Content Marketing in Uncertain Times
4. Creating a Video-First Content Strategy
5. AI Generates Fake Faces Synced to Music


Fun Fact: Netflix was originally called “Kibble.com”. 


The TVR Podcast, Episode 24
The Importance of Strategy Flexibility

Dwight Eisenhower once said, “In preparing for battle, I have found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” He also said, “Guys, is ‘World War Two’ really the best name we can come up with? Let’s circle back to this after lunch.” One of those quotes is relevant to this week’s podcast.

Ben and Justin emphasize the importance of being flexible with your video strategy during these strange days and offer some tips for how to do it.

Click below to listen on Apple Podcasts, or stream it wherever you get your podcasts!

Listen Now


How Companies Can Adapt With Video [Vidyard]

From brainstorming sessions to trade show booths, Vidyard put together this fantastic guide for creating a video version of some essential work-related tasks.

Pro tip: If you’re going to eat a peanut butter sandwich during your virtual daily briefing, do everyone a favor and tap that mute button. Talking to you, Brett.


How to Make the Case for Content Marketing in Uncertain Times [Contently]

The only thing that is certain right now is that one out of every five headlines will refer to these “times” as “uncertain.”

To help alleviate the uncertainty of said times, Contently makes the case for investing in better content to make it through these… well, you know.


SMX West: Creating a Video-First Content Strategy [Search Engine Land]

There is a lot of value in revisiting your existing video content to find optimization opportunities –– plus it doesn’t require new production! –– as we repeatedly insist on our blog and scream about on our podcast.

New Territory Media’s Joey Daoud made our case rather poignantly in this speaker session from SMX West, so maybe you’ll finally listen to him.


Terrifying Things Happen When AI Generates Fake Faces Synced to Music [Gizmodo]

We’re still trying to figure out the best applications for AI –– those which will improve our lives and change the world for the better.

But there are also plenty of weirdos out there conducting dumb AI experiments that walk the line between fascinating and terrifying.

This one is the latter.

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