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Storyboard Media Newsletter | 1/10/2020


Happy Friday

Here are a few things to distract you from our strange, cruel world

1. The TVR Podcast, Ep 17 & 18: 2020 Video Trends
2. Google’s 2019 Year in Search
3. The Drum’s 2019 B2B Marketing Awards
4. Why Marketers Should Integrate Video Marketing Into Their Content Strategy
5. The Best Illusions of the Year

Fun Fact: Due to their accents, goats from different countries can’t understand each other.


The Video Reformation Podcast
2020 Video Trends, Parts I & II

Our gift to you in this new year is a special two-part episode of the TVR podcast, where we discuss video trends we expect to see in 2020.

Storyboard’s Content Strategist David Olson joins Ben and Justin for a conversation about the future of AI and video, how B2B marketers might approach a recession and, of course, Data from Star Trek.

Listen to parts one and two on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Listen Now


The Trends That Defined Google’s Year in Search [Google]

Marketers have a difficult job in today’s increasingly complex environment. We must anticipate what people want. And to do that, it’s critical that we understand their mindsets.

That statement was copied directly from Google, which insists that this is why their annual Year in Search video is significant. But really, it’s just two minutes of tear-jerking optimism, so, treat yourself.


Tinder for Cows, Neurodiversity, Aerospace: The Drum B2B Awards 2019 Winners [The Drum]

Rewarding the best B2B marketing campaigns and strategies, The Drum’s 2019 awards aim to find the best in creativity, effectiveness, ROI, and results.

This year’s recipients include airplanes painted like sharks and a dating app for cows, which begs the question: are we doing this B2B marketing thing wrong?

You can check out the complete list of “winners” here.

a special holiday message
from storyboard media


Why Marketers Should Integrate Video Marketing Into Their Content Strategy [Forbes]

While there was once a time when long blocks of text (like this) dominated content marketing strategies, today’s market is shifting toward the fun and the visual.

This random guest blogger on Forbes has the right idea when it comes to why integrating video into your content strategy is the future of marketing.


The Best Illusions of the Year Will Have You Further Questioning the Reality You Live In [Gizmodo]

These days, it’s easier than ever to believe that we are living in a simulation operated by a twelve year-old boy spazzing out on a birthday cake sugar high.

The recently revealed best illusions of the year may just have you convinced. See all of 2019’s top illusions here.

before you go

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